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Walkthrough Samples

Step-by-step walkthrough guides with accompanying data samples.

Creating an Invoice

This step by step walkthrough will teach you how to create a new basic invoice from scratch. It will explain common techniques that are applicable to other document types too.

Creating an XML Data Mapping Configuration

This step by step walkthrough introduces you to a big part of the basic functionality of the DataMapper. You will learn to create a Data Mapping Configuration by opening a file and defining records in it. Then you will extract the data by adding extraction steps and detail tables to the configuration. You will also learn how to rename fields and detail tables, and how to fine-tune the data for use in the Designer.

Creating a personalized letter

This tutorial introduces you to some of the basic functionality of Connect Designer. You will learn how to set up a personalized business letter by creating a new print document, add content from MS Word, import image resources, load a CSV data file and set up variable content elements.