Back to all How-tos Putting one slice per detail record in a Pie Chart Original Author: Mieke Zuurman When you create a Pie Chart and select a detail table as its data source, the chart will show one slice for each field in the first detail record. What if you wanted the Pie Chart to have one slice per detail record for the field of your choice? Introduction Assume you have the following data. You can use the following data file and build a simple datamapper configuration containing a detail table. The 5 records in the detail table named ‘detailOrders’ each contain the number of orders in a certain year. You want a Pie Chart that visualizes the number of orders per year. Here’s how to add such a chart. Add a chart First, add a Pie Chart: click the Pie Chart button, for example. You can leave the settings as they are; click Next. Make sure to set Input Type to ‘Data table’ and select your detail table from the Detail Table dropdown; click Finish. A Pie Chart will be added to the template, as well as a script that provides the data for the chart. The Pie Chart that appears in your template doesn’t visualize the desired data. It’s ploting Orders vs. Value vs. Year instead of number of orders for different years. To achieve that you will have to change the script. For a look behind the scenes, select the chart and switch to the Source tab. The selected element is a div element hat has an ID (‘pie’, by default) and a data-amchart attribute. The value of that attribute is a JSON string that contains all the properties of the chart. The Pie Chart script adds the data for the chart to that attribute, in a dataProvider property. Connect then passes the JSON string to the integrated Amcharts library. Edit the script Hover over the scripts in the Scripts pane until you find a script that highlights the chart you just added. Double-click to open it. The script window looks a lot like one of the windows in the Pie Chart Wizard, but it has an Expand button. Click that button. Delete all the code and replace it with the following code: let json = JSON.parse(results.attr("data-amchart")); // Specify the detail table, and the fields that contain the value and title for a slice let detailTable = "detailOrders"; let valueField = "Orders"; let titleField = "Year"; // Put them in the JSON string and add the dataProvider property to it json.valueField = valueField; json.titleField = titleField; json.dataProvider = []; //Loop over records in the detail table for( let index in record.tables[detailTable] ){ let rec = record.tables[detailTable][index]; let data = {}; //Copy the record's value and title into a data object data[valueField] = rec.fields[valueField]; data[titleField] = rec.fields[titleField]; // If no theme, base color or color array has been specified, if (!json.theme && !json.baseColor && !json.colors) { // assign a color to the slice by setting the data.color property // e.g. data.color = "#FF0000"; // Note: Specify a different color for each slice. } // Add the data object to the dataProvider property in the JSON string json.dataProvider.push(data); } // Put the extended JSON string back in the data-amchart attribute results.attr("data-amchart", JSON.stringify(json)); All you need to do is specify the name of your detail table (here it’s ‘detailOrders’) and of the fields that contain the value and title for a slice. After saving the script, the Pie Chart looks like this: The chart now visualizes the desired data. To make it look better, change the chart’s properties (see Business Graphics in the Online Help). About colors Maybe you’ve noticed: this script didn’t specify a color for any of the slices. So where do these colors come from? To color slices in a Pie Chart, you can: Use a base color. Right-click the chart, select Chart… and on the General tab, specify a base color. This is the color of the first slice. Subsequent slices will be one shade lighter or darker. Use Brightness Step to set the intensity of the color change per slice. Use a theme. Right-click the chart, select Chart… and go to the Source tab. Specify the theme, e.g. "theme": "light". See: Using themes in the Online Help. Specify a color array. Right-click the chart, select Chart… and on the Source tab, specify the colors to use. For an example see If none of the previous has been done, you can assign a different color to each pie slice in the chart script; the above example indicates where to do that. You could also define no color at all, neither in the chart properties nor in the script, as in this example. In such a case, the Amcharts library uses its own default set of colors. Solution You can validate this solution with this Connect resource package. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Cancel Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Δ All comments (1) Marten July 18, 2023 TIP: Check whether the data-amchart attribute contains the name/value pair “colorField”: “color” in case the colors, as applied to a Pie Chart element by a Standard Script, won’t be applied to a Pie Chart element when viewing it in Preview mode. Execute the following steps to check whether the data-amchart attribute contains the name/value pair “colorField”: “color”: 1. View the Print Context Section to which the Pie Chart element has been applied in Design mode 2. Click on the Pie Chart element to select it 3. Right click on the Pie Chart element and select the option Chart… 4. Go to the Source tab once the Chart Properties dialog has been loaded 5. Make sure that the displayed JSON object also contain the name/value pair “colorField”: “color” Reply